Tej Prakash Sinha, MBBS, MS
Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine,, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Dr Sinha graduated in 2002 and is currently Assistant Professor at the Department of Emergency Medicine at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India. Dr Sinha is secretary of The International council of Critical Emergency Sonography (ICCES) and he is training doctors and nurses in innovative modules of point of care ultrasound ultrasound in trauma care, emergency care and disasters. He is chief coordinator of WHO collaborative center for emergency and trauma care in south East Asian Region. He works closely with WHO to strengthen emergency care in primary health care setting.
Dr Sinha is technical expert to ministry of health, Government of India in preparing the national policies on pre-hospital care, Emergency care and Trauma care.
Akshay Kumar, MBBS, MRCP
Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine , All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Dr. Kumar is one of the serving faculties at the Department of Emergency Medicine at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Apart from his clinical role in the department, he is actively involved in developing teaching modules and setting up the yearly academic roster for the postgraduate academic MD Emergency Medicine residents and undergraduates. His research interests include epidemiological studies, sepsis, acute heart failure, triage and medical education and is leading several projects in the department. Dr. Kumar leads quality improvement work in the department and working to reduce the time to first medical contact in triage, door to antibiotic time in sepsis patients and improving the quality of airway management.
Vidya Menon, MD
Consultant Physician, Emergency Medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences
Dr. Menon is Consultant Physician in Department of Medicine at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences (AIMS), Kochi. She is a Clinical Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at Amrita School of Medicine, affiliated to AIMS. She is in charge of a 16 bedded closed Medical Intensive Care Unit and the Infectious Disease division at AIMS. She serves as Faculty in the Department of Medical Administration at AIMS. Dr. Menon is actively involved in Clinical Governance, Utilization Review and various Quality Improvement projects at AIMS. Dr. Menon received her medical degree from Seth G. S. Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai and went on to complete her Internal Medicine Residency at L T M Medical College and Hospital.
Dr Sabarish Balachandran, MBBS, MD(EM)
Emergency Medicine Consultant
Dr Sabarish Balachandran is a consultant in the department of Emergency medicine at Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences.He is also the Clinical Lead for the General Hospital Medical ICU and Code Blue Team at the institute. He is also serving as a member of various in hospital committees including Hospital Resuscitation, Hospital Antibiotic Stewardship and Ethics Committees.
He is also the Lead Faculty for developing Disaster Medicine and member of Faculty of Disaster Medicine- India and Nepal.
His areas of research are Resuscitation, Sepsis, Disaster Medicine and EM-Critical Care. He has worked on the implementation of medical emergency team (MET) in the institution and also on identifying barriers to optimal utilization of MET. He is currently working on establishing an in-hospital e-sepsis registry and also a clinical trial to understand the effect of Vitamin C, Thiamine and hydrocortisone combination in patients with severe infections.
About AIIMS hospital:
Department of Emergency Medicine at All India Institute of Medical Sciences was created in 2011. A post-graduate programme (MD) in Emergency Medicine started in 2012, initially with annual intake of 3 students per year. This led to tremendous improvement in delivery of emergency care. To improve the emergency care further, the number of post-graduate students was later increased to 11 per year. In addition, sponsored students from nearby countries also joined the department. At present, the Department of Emergency Medicine has 9 faculty members and 29 academic residents pursuing MD, post-graduation qualification in Emergency Medicine. The department is now geared to generate a new generation of emergency physicians who receive world class training at our department.
Patient Care Activities
Our department is one of the busiest Emergency Medicine departments with 500 to 600 patients presenting to the emergency every 24 hours. The number of patients presenting to the Department are increasing every year. In 2017, over 2,00,000 patients were seen.
Implementation of the “Red triage Protocol”and using quality improvement science to implement care pathways has helped streamline patient care with prioritization of time sensitive conditions. Effective triaging has been the key in reducing patient morbidity and mortality.
The department has the one of the best point-of care emergency laboratories. This was envisaged to cater to the diverse range of patients and provide a high diagnostic yield.This includes point of care (results available within 2-15 minutes) Complete Blood Count, Blood Gases, Electrolytes, Creatinine, Lactate, NT-pro BNP, D-dimer, Troponin, Procalcitonin, Urine toxicology and Osmolality.
Research and Quality Improvement
In the last 6 years, the Department has received research grant on several projects on translational research related to trauma haemorrhagic shock as well as biomarkers in acute coronary syndrome translational and has published over 40 research articles in international and national, peer-reviewed journals.Through Quality Improvement Science, our department has reduced patient waiting time in the ED and in the process of implementing evidenced based patient care services in stroke, sepsis, acute myocardial infarction and trauma.
Sonography in Emergency Medicine
Over the last decade, point of care ultrasound has revolutionized emergency care. Point of Care Ultrasound training programmes started by our department are highly rated world-wide and have now grown to full-fledged courses with national and international presence, including USA, UK, Thiland, Srilanka, Nepal, Tanzania. We established the International Council of Critical Care Sonography.We are leading center also in Ultrasound-based acute care research. Post graduate students are regularly doing thesis work pertaining to point of care sonography.
Simulation is a new concept in medical education and training. It works on the concept of application of knowledge over low technology or high technology manikins in order to augment motor and decisive skills for doctors. Simulation has been a major part of our resident training over the last few years.
Miscellaneous Activities
Our Department is now a WHO Collaborating Centre in South East Asia Region for Emergency and Trauma Care. We are now the nodal centre for providing training and education for the development of acute and emergency care in this region. We are also involved in formulating policies and clinical protocols on integration of Emergency and Trauma care in the South-East Asia Region. We are closely working with Government of India/medical council of India in streamlining quality emergency care and education in the field of emergency Medicine.
National Institute of Emergency Medicine - to create an umbrella body overlooking all educational, training in education, research, capacity building for research and quality improvement and hence improving clinical care and patient outcomes in acute care settings.
We are in the process of starting postgraduate fellowships in Point of care ultrasound, Emergency Toxicology , Pediatric Emergency Medicine and mentor MSc in emergency nursing/EMT.Integrated MD-PhD program in Emergency Medicine is also in the pipeline.